Tracer Study Results
Special Education Study Program Year 2022-2024
The Special Education Study Program through the Student Career Development Center (CDC) UNS continuously conducts a tracer study of graduate employability by Universitas Sebelas Maret through the page. The page is accessed by graduates who have graduated. The survey was carried out to map data related to graduates to meet the IKU. Based on the results of the survey that has been carried out in 2022-2024, the following results were obtained:
A. Data of average GPA and average income
B. Data of Employment Suitability
Data on the suitability of graduate jobs in 2024 with 100 graduates is 69% very much, 2% are not suitable and 29% are further study. In 2023 with 55 graduates, 85.5% were suitable, 9% were not suitable, and 5.6% were further studied. Meanwhile, in 2022 with 39 graduates, 94.9% were suitable, 0% were not suitable, and 5.1% were further studied. Graduate job suitability data for 2022-2024 can be presented in the following graph:
C. Data on the waiting period for graduates in obtaining a job
Data on the waiting period for graduates in obtaining a job in 2024 is 52% with a waiting period of < 3 months, 1% with a waiting period of 3 ≤ < of WP 6 Months, 3% with a waiting period of 6 ≤ WTP< 12 Months and 44% with a waiting period of more than 12 months. In 2023, a total of 60% with a waiting period of < 3 months for WP, 12.7% with a waiting period of 3 ≤ WP< 6 Month, 10.9% with a waiting period of 6 ≤ WTP< 12 Months and 16.4% with a waiting period of more than 12 months. Meanwhile, in 2022, 71.8% with a waiting period of < 3 months, 15.4% with a waiting period of 3 ≤ of taxpayers< 6 months, 7.7% with a waiting period of 6 ≤ WTP< 12 months and 5.1% with a waiting period of more than 12 months.
D. Follow-up
Based on the results of the 2022-2024 tracer study, the special education study program conducts an evaluation and provides the following recommendations:
- Providing work preparation briefing before graduation
- Increasing Foreign Cooperation
- Add Elective Courses
- Develop Soft skills
- Learning Technology
- Foreign Language Training