Special Education

Faculty of Teacher and Training Education


New Student Registration Information


Information on Accreditation of Study Programs

Appeal Process

Information of Appeal Process

Classroom Instruction

Information on Curriculum, Schedule, and Graduate Outcomes

Priyono, S.Pd, M.Si.

Chief of Study Program

Welcome Speech

Welcome to the Undergraduate Program in Indonesian Special Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

To become a center for the development of excellent knowledge, technology, and arts at the international level, based on the noble values of national culture

  1. To organize education and teaching that requires the self-development of lecturers and encourages the independence of students in acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
  2. To conduct research that leads to new discoveries in the fields of science, technology, and arts
  3. To organize community service activities that are oriented towards efforts to empower the community
To produce graduates who have general competence in applying special education knowledge with a graduate profile as special education teachers

Why Choose a Program of Study in Special Education?

The program of study in Special Education (in the scientific nomenclature of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education it is called the Program of Study in Special Education) is a branch of Education that studies the education for individuals with special needs or disabilities, which is a form of individual development that has specificity, is specific and different from the development of individuals of the same age. Individuals with special needs have various potentials that need to be optimally developed.

Academic Records

Academic Calendar


Study Plans

Study Plans

Course Schedule

Thesis Guidelines

Certificate of Chancellor

Information System







Activity Gallery


Central Java Education Agency

Sragen State Special School


Cilacap State Special School

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

University College London