Guidance and Counseling Study Program based on license No. 1625/D/T/2008 dated May 15, 2008 in 2008; (3) Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program (PG-PAUD) based on license no. 2326/D/T/2009 dated July 07, 2009 in 2009, (4) Javanese Language Education Study Program with the Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 184/D/O/2010 dated November 23, 2010 in 2010; and (5) specialization in the Health and Recreation Physical Education Study Program, namely the Main Interest in Physical Education, Sports and Primary School Health in 2011 through the permission of the Chancellor of UNS Number 11538/UN27/PP/2011 dated December 12, 2011.

. Academic Guidance 1. In an effort to help students develop their potential so that they can complete their studies on time and obtain optimal academic achievements, the Dean through the Head of the Program appoints an academic supervisor for the student. 2. The Academic Supervisor together with the Head of the Study Program are required to carry out periodic and continuous monitoring and evaluation of the academic activities of the students they supervise and take the necessary steps to help students 3. Academic guidance to students is carried out at least 4 (four) times in one semester, namely at the beginning of the semester (1 time), midsemester (2 times), and the end of the semester (1 time). 4. Stipulations and procedures for academic supervisors determined by the Rector’s Decree.